2008年5月29日 星期四

Engish of Movies

Arriving at the Theater
1. I'd like two ticketsfor the 4:30 showing of Spiderman III , please.
2. This movie is playing in theater number two.

Commenting on Films
3. This movie rocks! Leonardo DiCaprio was really amazing. You have to go see it!
4. The movie was slow in the beginning, but it built up to an intense climax.
5. The plot twist in the end was very surprising, and the special effects blew my mind!
6. It is so suspenseful. You'll be on the edge of your seat until the very end.
7. What an awful film! I just lost 90 minutes of my life that I'll never get back!
8. The supporting actor is not a convincing villain; his acting is too stiff.
9. The leading actress is so wooden that even my furniture looks better than she does.
10. The star of the film acted way over-the-top, and the plot was totally predictable.

I think it can help my English a lot : )

2008年5月28日 星期三

The "Mozart Effect"---Fact or Fiction?

Recently, the idea that listening to classical music can increase intelligence, especially in babies, has caught the attention of the media, researchers, and parents around the globe. In the early 1990s, researchers from France and the US published articles that said listening to Mozart for 10 minutes temporarily improved performance on IQ tests and challenging tasks. As a result, the media quickly began reporting on the "Mozart effect."

However, there is some doubt surrounding the Mozart effect. Parents question whether it is a proven reality or just a fad designed to make money. Frances H. Rauscher, a psychologist and author of one of the original studies, is skeptical. Much of the original research pointed to temporary improvements on specific tasks. She believes these findings have been incorrectly portrayed as a general increase in intelligence. "I don't think it can hurt," Rauscher said. Yet she added that parents may still want to think twice before spending a fortune trying to make a genius out of their baby.

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:
This article is talking about that listening to classical music can increase intelligence, especially in babies. But some people question whether it is a proven reality or just a fad designed to make money. And someone said it's a general mistake.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:
i. Are difficult or you new to you:
1)psychologist 2)skeptical 3)portray
ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know: Yet she added that parents may still want to think twice before spending a fortune trying to make a genius out of their baby.

3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:
I think after reporting "Mozart effect", "Mozart fanaticism" has caught the attention of most people around the globe. Even though someone doubt whether it's true or not, it still cannot decrease the expect of Mozart music in mother's minds.

Scientists' Insight into Sleepyheads

Recently, scientists have carried out a number of studies that shed light on sleeping problems. A study showed that children between the ages of 2.5 and 6 should get ten hours of sleep each night. Those who got less sleep performed poorly on tests of their language ability and intellectual development.
Another study found that 60% of teenagers in Belgium used their cell phones either to talk or to send text messages after turning their lights out at bedtime. If they simply stop using cell phones before sleeping, they can stay alert in class. Another study showed that adults who overwork themselves lose sleep. For every half hour of extra time spent at work, adults lose one hour of sleep on average This means that employees who regularly work just 1.5 hours of overtime per weekday only get 4.5 hours of sleep.
It all comes down to one piece of advice: Stay at your best, and get enough rest!

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:

There are three studies in this article. One is that children should get ten hours of sleep; another one is that teenagers should sleep without playing cell phones; the other one is that adults shouldn't overwork. All of them are relative to sleeping problems.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:

i. Are difficult or you new to you: 1)shed light on 2)comes down to
ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know: This means that employees who regularly work just 1.5 hours of overtime per weekday only get 4.5 hours of sleep.

3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:
Recently, I've not been sleeping well for many days. I either did my homework or couldn't sleep. Even though I know that sleeping is very important. These studies are valid, but I think that if you sleep less, not only your intellectual development and language ability but your health will decrease and get worst. So, stay at your best, and get enough rest!

2008年5月26日 星期一

Oedipus the king

Laius and Jocasta were king and queen of Thebes, a town in Greece. One day, they had a baby boy. An oracle prophesied that the boy would grow up and kill his father and marry his mother. To thwart the prophecy, Laius and Jocasta decided to kill their baby. In those days, it was usual to leave an unwanted or defective baby in the wilderness. Laius and Jocasta did this. To be extra-sure, they pierced his little feet and tied them together.

Eventually, Oedipus and Jocasta found out what had really happened. Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus blinded himself and became a wandering beggar.

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:
Before that day happened, an oracle said that Oedipus would kill his real father and marry his real mother. On that day, Oedipus thought if he leaved this country, that terrible oracle wouldn't happen. But, on the course he ran away, he killed many people, including his real father. When he arrived the country, his real father was the king of the country; he killed his real father( he didn't know). So, he took over the kingdom, and married the Queen, but he, of course, didn't know that the Queen was his real mother.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:
i. Are difficult or you new to you: 1)prophesy 2)thwart
ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know: Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus blinded himself and became a wandering beggar.

3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:
From this story, Oedipus from beginning to end didn't know that the oracle still happened. Everyone in the story didn't know on earth what happened. That is very ironic! In this story, I think it seems that the fate is hard to flee. Perhaps, many people like me don't believe the fate. If the fate from the beginning is doomed, and the oracle shows that what will happen, then what is the fun to live in the world. At the beginning, Oedipus thought that fate is impossible to occur, and he ran away. Ironically, everyone in the story didn't know whether the fate happened or not, but the readers like us know what will happen at next. I like this story, though I don't believe the fate. It shows that fate is impossible to avoid, the fate will happen by steps. I feel it's horrible and ironic.

What Happens in Vegas

Two strangers awaken together to discover they've gotten married following a night of debauchery in Sin City, and one of them has won a huge jackpot after playing the other's quarter. The newlyweds devise ever-escalating schemes to undermine each other and get their hands on the money – only to find themselves falling in love amid the mutual backstabbing.

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:

It's a movie called" What Happens in Vegas". There are two people, one man and one woman, who didn't know each other, but they got married in the end in Vegas. This is a comedy, PG-13 for some sexual and crude content, and language, including a drug reference.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:
i. Are difficult or you new to you: 1)debauchery 2)newlyweds 3)escalating 4)amid 5)backstab

ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know: Two strangers awaken together to discover they've gotten married following a night of debauchery in Sin City.
3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:
I thought the movie was pretty good, I honestly didn't want it to end, everyone in the theater found it to be pretty funny.I enjoyed it and I would highly recommend seeing it. But in the reality, it is a terrible behavior. Just think about it: She didn't know that person, and she can have a lot of fun with him in Vegas, and even they got married in the end. If I were her, I wouldn't go to Vegas. Well, it's a movie, after all.