2008年5月26日 星期一

Oedipus the king

Laius and Jocasta were king and queen of Thebes, a town in Greece. One day, they had a baby boy. An oracle prophesied that the boy would grow up and kill his father and marry his mother. To thwart the prophecy, Laius and Jocasta decided to kill their baby. In those days, it was usual to leave an unwanted or defective baby in the wilderness. Laius and Jocasta did this. To be extra-sure, they pierced his little feet and tied them together.

Eventually, Oedipus and Jocasta found out what had really happened. Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus blinded himself and became a wandering beggar.

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:
Before that day happened, an oracle said that Oedipus would kill his real father and marry his real mother. On that day, Oedipus thought if he leaved this country, that terrible oracle wouldn't happen. But, on the course he ran away, he killed many people, including his real father. When he arrived the country, his real father was the king of the country; he killed his real father( he didn't know). So, he took over the kingdom, and married the Queen, but he, of course, didn't know that the Queen was his real mother.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:
i. Are difficult or you new to you: 1)prophesy 2)thwart
ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know: Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus blinded himself and became a wandering beggar.

3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:
From this story, Oedipus from beginning to end didn't know that the oracle still happened. Everyone in the story didn't know on earth what happened. That is very ironic! In this story, I think it seems that the fate is hard to flee. Perhaps, many people like me don't believe the fate. If the fate from the beginning is doomed, and the oracle shows that what will happen, then what is the fun to live in the world. At the beginning, Oedipus thought that fate is impossible to occur, and he ran away. Ironically, everyone in the story didn't know whether the fate happened or not, but the readers like us know what will happen at next. I like this story, though I don't believe the fate. It shows that fate is impossible to avoid, the fate will happen by steps. I feel it's horrible and ironic.
