2008年5月29日 星期四

Engish of Movies

Arriving at the Theater
1. I'd like two ticketsfor the 4:30 showing of Spiderman III , please.
2. This movie is playing in theater number two.

Commenting on Films
3. This movie rocks! Leonardo DiCaprio was really amazing. You have to go see it!
4. The movie was slow in the beginning, but it built up to an intense climax.
5. The plot twist in the end was very surprising, and the special effects blew my mind!
6. It is so suspenseful. You'll be on the edge of your seat until the very end.
7. What an awful film! I just lost 90 minutes of my life that I'll never get back!
8. The supporting actor is not a convincing villain; his acting is too stiff.
9. The leading actress is so wooden that even my furniture looks better than she does.
10. The star of the film acted way over-the-top, and the plot was totally predictable.

I think it can help my English a lot : )
