2008年1月5日 星期六

apologize for someone and want a forgivement

I know you are mad at me right now, and I commit I do the god damn thing is a big or huge mistake, and I really feel terrible about it I really am, how can I make it up, I am trying my best for it, I can't imagine that being strangers like right now for ever is a hard thing for me, or just kill myself if this will make you feel better then I will, what I wish was just like being old times, can talk about every thing, maybe it really take times, but I really want it will be the last time and the only time like right now, and every thing will be normal, god I hate it I hate the fucking what I done, if you can give me an response then I will be very satisfied, or you need some make up then I will try my best to make it up, all I want to say I feel very bad about this and your attitude like that I will take it as I deserve it, because it was all my fault, all I want is back to the life what it was like, I wish I really do ! →an article of my friend in his blog http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jacky771026&article_id=13608191

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:

A relationship problem of my friend. He's really pessimistic, and maybe he was too agitated then, so the article he typed is with obscene words. So I, instead of my friend, apologize for you.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:
i. Are difficult or you new to you: None of all.
ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know: Maybe dirty words, but I don't want to.

3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:
My respond→
It's so queer. I just finish reading a blog of my friend. Suddenly, I'm eager on an impulse to say "Are you an idiot?". Possibly he has some problems about his relationship, but even if we've talked a lot to him, he just cannot always look on the bright side of life. Instead, he said we're not principles and we cannot realize how he felt. Well, maybe he's right. All we can do is comfort him and give some optimistic suggestions to him, but why he cannot understand and always shut up with his closed heart. More negative he is, then all things he does are in vain. He's too pessimistic, he thinks too much, in the end, he thinks that if he kills himself then that guy will feel better. What are you talking about!? Are you an idiot!? Are you really sure you do it then he will feel better!? The such behavior of yours is called avoidance!!
How to make up relationship?I think it really needs time. You need time to calm down, that guy needs time too. If that guy cannot accept your apology, then just give it up. After all, you've tried your best. What can you do? Just be yourself! Not always think about changing yourself and how to cater to those people, OK? Don't be a fool.

2008年1月4日 星期五

In a study, researchers found that elderly men and women who reported drinking from one to 13 servings of beer, wine, or liquor a week had a 44 percent lower risk of being hospitalized for leg artery disease, compared with elderly men and women who reported no alcohol consumption.(→The second paragraph)  "These results are consistent with the long-standing observation that moderate drinkers have a lower risk of heart attack, which is also caused by blockages in arteries," Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Brookline, Massachusetts, told Reuters Health.(→The third paragraph)→"The News"http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071228/hl_nm/alcohol_leg_arteries_dc;_ylt=Ap.ij4738YVz42gJA01Mw3A_cbYF

1.Summarize what the article is talking about:
Drinking appropriate beer, wine, or liquor can advantage people to keep their health.

2.Write down any vocabulary words or phrases that you think:
i. Are difficult or you new to you: 1) Liquor.2)Hospitalized.3)Artery.4)Consumption.5)Consistent with.6)Moderate.
ii. Are probably useful for you to learn/know:These results are consistent with the long-standing observation that moderate drinkers have a lower risk of heart attack, which is also caused by blockages in arteries.

3.Say why you chose this article and how it relates to your life, your experience, you desires, etc:

I have to say that drinking appropriate beer or wine is good for our health. I think it's true, because alcohol can improve the blood circulation. I like to drink beer and wine, so do my parents. Formerly, we drank a little wine before we went to bed. It could make us slept easily. By the way, the study says that moderate drinkers have a lower risk of heart attack, it's important to hear the news. I think I will suggest my father to be a moderate drinker! :)